Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How to eliminate crinkle from frown in the forehead between eyebrows w/o cosmetic surgery?

Lately, I noticed that even when I'm not frowning I'll involuntarily crinkle my forehead. In pictures it makes me look mad even though I'm not. Even when I try to release the frown, I can't! Is there some sort of acupuncture or massage therapy that I can use to eliminate this?How to eliminate crinkle from frown in the forehead between eyebrows w/o cosmetic surgery?
I use a product called Strivectin. I temporaraily freezes your lines. I usually get it from Sephora. I have used almost every brand of cream and this was the best.How to eliminate crinkle from frown in the forehead between eyebrows w/o cosmetic surgery?
welcome to the aging process! Fun ain't it? wait until your vision starts to fade, crows feet around the eyes, smile lines around your mouth, a turkey neck, double chin, baggy eyelids, dark circles under your eyes, they are all on their way!

Fuggedaboutit! Go have fun and enjoy your life, or worry more, make the lines worse and go see a plastic surgeon for Botox injections. No accupuncture will help nor a massage

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