Saturday, November 28, 2009

How do I get rid of my moles with out laser or cosmetic surgory?

I have horrible slightly raised moles on my face and neck, they really beat up my confidence! I'm 14 and I get bullied at school, I've already attempted suicide once this year, unfortunatly i did not work! Please tell me how to remove them at home!How do I get rid of my moles with out laser or cosmetic surgory?
:( I was bullied really bad at school for having diabetes, so I know how horrible kids can be, but honestly don't kill yourself - things will get better. People always tell you to enjoy your childhood cos they are ';the best years of your life'; - what nonsence! I got treated really bad as a kid - beaten up by my parents and bullied at school - I was mute for a long time and I tried to kill myself too, but now that I'm an adult I am getting my confidence up and actually starting to enjoy my life! I can go where I want to and do what I want to and if someone is mean I can just not speak to them again! Try to stick it out - I hope your situation isn't as bad as mine was and there is someone you can talk to - there are things that you can do to help - even going as far as moving schools if you have to. If you talk to an adult try to make sure that they understand how bad this situation is for you, or you can write it down so you can make sure you say everything you want to say. There's lots of charities that can help you too - there were some good ones that helped me a lot when I was 16/17 but I know there are some for younger people too. A good place to ask is actually childline - you can talk stuff through with them and they can help you to get in touch with organisations that can help you - I wrote to a childline councillor for a while and she really helped me out. It's important that you try to get through all this stuff while keeping on the right side of the law and keep up with school - it will help you out so much when you're older - I've got friends who didn't go to school cos of bullying and didn't pass any exams etc. and they are stuggling with rubbish jobs now and bad stuff like drugs - I'm lucky that I dealt with stuff by studying heaps to try to stop myself thinkin about it and now I've got a job that I love!

Anyway, as for moles, most people honestly probably don't even notice them, but I totally understand how bad you can feel if you don't like the way you look, esp. if that's reinforced by bullies. Moles aren't like spots that can be helped by creams etc. and they have the added problem that they can be dangerous - you should go to see your dr and get them removed. Tell the dr that you are being bullied at school because of them and hopefully that'll be more than enough reason for him to get them removed for you. I had one removed from my stomach a couple of years ago and it was fine - it was surgery but only a local anasthetic, they don't make you go to sleep, and it didn't hurt at all and only took 15 mins! Also you might be able to get them frozen off. But you do need to see your dr about it - remember you can ask to see a female dr and you can take someone with you if you don't want to go on your own, and also drs can't tell anyone anything about your treatment - you're 14 so they can't even tell your parents.

I hope some of that helps - good luck xxHow do I get rid of my moles with out laser or cosmetic surgory?
Brilliant advice Report Abuse

Cathy had some good advice but she may be incorrect about a couple of things, For almost any procedure such as this you will have to have parental consent at 14. this is coming ffrom an experienced health care provider. regardless, you should talk with your parents and then talk to your doctor. Report Abuse

suicide for a mole? you've got to be joking, look at Cindy Crawford, she has a mole on her face.

you have the rest of your life ahead of you, get laser treatment and stop thinking about suicide, you will devastate your family
You can borrow my 12 bore for a fiver.
i got one as wel.. dont get it removed, its who you are, sort of like an identity, trust me, keep it. its god gift to you, dont get it removed
send for a experienced gardener
Oh geez - you need to see a doctor for your mole removal, and for your emotional problems. Please.
Don't be foolish, if you attempt to indulge in this irresponsible self mutilation you are likely to end up with a much more unsightly problem.

This type of removal must be carried out by experts if you want a good result.
Omg.. thats scary! Look there is nothing wrong with moles its just austin powers movies dont help the sittuation. Moles are dangerous things too leave them alone dont scratch or try to cut them off . They are unactive cancer spots. Just stand up to yourself at school tell them basically to **** off. Am sure they have enough problems in there lives aswell. Look dont try and kill your self thats not the answer .. You could be taken into psychiatric care for that. Just forget about what other people think your gorgeous and always believe in yourself =D **Hope i helped you dearie**
I am sorry to hear of your suicide attempt.

Please be careful as moles can become cancerous if irritated by being picked at. Its best to seek medical advice. I had some warts removed from my back surgically and it didn't hurt. Please see your doc and he will arrange a painless removal for you.
I am now 21 and i was teased terribly for my moles, trust me there is NOTHING you can do at home for them, but there are ways to get ride of them with out surgery. If your doctor does not think your moles are cancerous then they can freeze them off right there in the office, with very little pain and little to no scarring.
you cant remove them at home go to the doctor with your parents and have a talk about it ,and they will advise you about it , suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem and please do not try that again your whole life is in front of you and every problem can be worked out ,talk to your parents and stop bottling all this up
i hit them on the head with me spade they nearly ruined me lawn the pesky divils x

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