Monday, June 21, 2010

What do you think about cosmetic surgeries?

Please state your age, your insight about cosmetic surgeries, and who do you think are the people in need of them.

Thanks very much for you help. It'll be a great help in our term paper.What do you think about cosmetic surgeries?
27 yr old.

I think cosmetic surgery is okay to help someone feel better about themselves. I don't judge people who have it done because they may need this in order to function.What do you think about cosmetic surgeries?
I'm 53 %26amp; I think it's up to the person.

However, I find our culture drives people to be dissatisfied with their looks.

I know some people who have had liposuction %26amp; it's taken a year to recover, they weren't satisfied with results because of bumps or concave sections %26amp; went for 2nd surgeries.

People who ';need'; them are those who have thought carefully about the surgery %26amp; why they are getting it; %26amp; are not dissatisfied with their entire bodies.
13. but im still on high honor roll and in honors classes. I think it is okay for some women to get cosmetic surgery. If that is what they need to feel confident about themselves then go for it. I don't believe the should try and change their entire face but if they need a straighter nose to be able to look in the mirror without frowning, or bigger boobs to buy that dress without it feeling like a waste of money, then okay sure. but if they are just trying to land that playboy ad with their perfect ***, boobs, nose, lips etc. then that is just ridiculous

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